A Gallon A Day Surely Keeps The Doctor Away!

Alright folks, I have a confession. I joined the bandwagon. My kids are making fun of me (my 12-year-old even pulled up research to contradict the research I have read on the subject). I’m very curious how everyone else feels about this. I am now drinking a gallon of water a day!

Well, OK, I’m on day 2 of drinking a gallon a day. 

Here’s why. 

  1. I have chronic pain, and my docs have always said I need to drink more water than the average bear. 
  2. I love coffee. I won’t give up coffee. I don’t care what people say. I will sing fun songs in my head to block you out if you try to tell me to stop. I only have 2 cups a day, so BACK OFF, COFFEE HATERS! (Just kidding. I love you regardless.) Anyway, I know coffee is bad for hydration, so I figure I’ll just compensate for it. So there. 
  3. No joke, I’ve been so exhausted over the last month or so I’m falling asleep at my desk. Like, all the time! I’ll be working or writing and all of a sudden, I’m waking up an hour later and my neck is killing me because I have fallen asleep sitting up with my noggin lulling down on my chest. I hit rock bottom a few days ago when I fell asleep while holding…wait for it…my full cup of coffee. Guess what I woke up to? You got it! A desk covered in coffee and a drowned keyboard. RIP, Apple Magic Keyboard. You will be dearly missed.
  4. I’ve gained an absurd amount of weight this year and it’s time to stop being stupid! Who’s with me?

So far, it’s going well. Over the past 2 days, I have felt less hungry.  I feel a difference in my pain levels as well. It’s as if the water I’ve chugged all day has lubed up my joints and spine. Go figure! 

We’ll see the difference it makes in my weight as time goes on, but I’m crossing my fingers. 



P.S., I’m curious: is anyone else drinking a gallon a day? What changes have you noticed?

Charlie is a great cheerleader!
Thankfully, my water bottle is pretty enough to remind myself to look at it once in a while and check my water level!

Spring (And More) Has Sprung in Foster City!

Hello friends, I hope you are enjoying the beautiful season! I’ve been loving the weather here in Foster City. I am a sweater-weather girl, and it’s been perfect lately, minus a couple hot days here and there. I know it has been a while since I last posted, but I have been BUSY! Who knew this would become the busiest season of my life? I’ve been going nonstop: working full time, editing, making BOOM Cards, and – of course – spring cleaning around the house (And the yard. And garage). I know what you’re thinking.  Me, cleaning? But there are some organization, decorating, AND cleaning projects around the house that I’ve wanted to get to since we moved in August and it’s been so nice to see the progress being made around here. Pictures are going up on the walls, the weeds are getting pulled up, and – whew – the garage has started getting organized! My house continues to feel a little more like home. All of these projects will help the boys and I feel even more settled here in Foster City. I’m looking forward to it! Liz P.S. I would still love to do another Facebook Live reading of my book! Who knows? Maybe I’ll even do a sneak peek of the new book.  Stay tuned for more details.